Growing Food
Access to healthy, fresh produce helps to improve physical and mental health. We enable people to grow, cook and eat using fresh, locally grown food as we increase our community’s capacity to improve their health and well-being. To accomplish this we support several Community Garden initiatives.
Plant-a-Row, Share-a-Row is a city-wide initiative meant to bring food from the gardens in our community to the tables of others within our community. It gives people who use the food bank the ability choose from a variety of healthy, fresh foods while combating food insecurity within our communities.

How you can contribute:

from your garden
Grow the food in your own garden or your community garden plot and simply donate a portion to the Gloucester Emergency Food Cupboard at 2040 Arrowsmith Drive in Ottawa.
Please note that we can only accept fresh produce or commercially prepared foods. For safety reasons, we cannot use home preserved or home canned foods.
from our farm plot
We grow vegetables at our volunteer-run 1/3 acre plot at the Just Food Farm in Blackburn Hamlet. If you would like more information on volunteering to help us plant, weed and harvest please click here. No gardening experience needed!
This opportunity can count towards High School volunteer hours.
Arrowsmith Thyme-less Community Garden
This community garden is located at the Gloucester Emergency Food Cupboard and it enables households to grow their own food. We are also part of the Beacon Hill Community Garden Network.
Small plots are sometimes available to people for growing food.

New Roots Farm program for refugees
In partnership with Just Food, we support refugee families who were farmers to grow their own food and learn about farming in Canada.