Toy Mountain

Registration Process for Eligible Families
Registration opens October 26. Eligible families can contact 211, the Community Navigation of Eastern Ontario. Representatives from 211’s information centre will ask parents a few basic questions:
- Name of child (children)
- Date of birth
- Gender
- Family income
- Family contact information
The 211 Representative will enter the required information into the Toy Mountain database. This database is a vital component to the success of the campaign.

Once the information entry process is complete, the 211 representative will provide the caller with their toy pick up appointment date and registration confirmation number.
The 211 Representative will also inform clients that they will be asked to provide the following documentation upon arrival at the Toy Centre prior to collecting their toys.
- Original photo identification of themselves and their children
- Proof of income indicating that they qualify for the toys
- Registration confirmation number assigned to them
These conditions are strictly followed to ensure toys are distributed only to eligible families.
Click here for more information.